Thursday, December 20, 2012

Joulu on

Kun joulu on minäkin muistan upea Suomen joulufiilis. Tänään haluan harjoitella vähän mun suomenkielen kun se ei oo vielä hyvä enää. Mä en oo puhunut suomea koska mä tulin takaisin Sao Pauloon ja se oli jo melkein kaksi vuotta (vuosi ja puoli).

Kun savuin taas tässä Brasiliassa, mä yritin löytää suomailaiset jotka minäkin voisin puhua suomea kanssa. Mutta se on vaikea. Ei oo paljon suomalaisia jotka asuvat Brasiliassa, ja jos ovat , he asuvat kaukana tai ovat naimisissa. Mä takoitan että jos he ovat naimisissa, niin joskus heillä on lapset ja mä ymmärrän että se on vaikea mennä ulos kaverin kanssa. Ja se on vielä vaikeampaa jos et sä tiedä henkilön että halua vaan harjoitella suomea. 

Koska olen täällä mä oon puhunut suomea vain kaksi kertaa. Yks kerran oli kuin tavatin kolme suomaliset tytöt Avenida Paulistassa. Mä olin kavelemassa ja näin kolme blondit ja brasilialaiset olivat niiku 'wth?' , sitten näin heidän T:paitat : " Aalto Yliopisto - Helsinki" ... ja sit menin puhua heidän kans. Ja toinen kertaa oli kun menin vapaaehtoisena Suomen suurlähetystön. 

Opiskella suomea on kyl jotain että mä jatkan ensi vuonna vaan koska nyt Englanti on mun big deal. 


- Mae



- Mae, 2010;

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Midnight in Finland

Midnight Sun in Finland

 Unfortunatelly, I didn't take any photo of that beautiful phenomena.   


- Mae.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pikku kaupunki

I think I've ever been so proud of my photo shooting skills until I took this photo. Special thanks to the tree that hold my camera for 10 secs. Maybe it was an Ent.

- Mae.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Helsinki - joskus vain tulee ikävä

Helsingin tuomiokirkko

Monday, August 27, 2012

Abstract drawing

MS 2012.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oil painting - 2006

One of my first attempts at oil painting. - 2006

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oskar Schell

1st step 

Monday, August 6, 2012

One night

A late folk music recommendation

José González  performing Heartbeats 

Is humanity sick , or ... ?

When we are kids, we do not hate, reject or fear what's different. Well, maybe sometimes we did because we felt afraid of something. Take for instance, when we are learning how to walk, we fell so many times but we always stood up and kept trying until we could take the first steps. Or , remember those days back in school, when the new exchange student arrived and he or she was completely different from everyone else but some students wanted to get to the new one. These are few examples I could mention here, among many others.

Unfortunately, as we grow up , we learn from the others what hate, rejection, fear are and that we cannot place what is new or different into our lives. Because it is incompatible with our current reality.

Nothing had or has ever been done by people who feared differences. All great discoveries, inventions, theories, relationships and certain historical taboos have been broken by those who encouraged themselves to go and do something uncommon or new.

Racism, homophobia, being against somebody's religion and even small differences , any kind of prejudice are illnesses humanity has. Life is made of differences and will always be. Nothing is the same, not even us.

Finally, I could say, if there is something we cannot accept or live with, there is also something called respect.

"Bigotry or prejudice in any form is more than a problem; it is a deep-seated evil within our society."
Judith Light

Monday, July 30, 2012

Time flies ... a quick update

It's been one year since I got back to Sao Paulo.  So here it goes something I was about to write some time ago.

 Living abroad can change you in many ways in my opinion. People say I changed, though I didn’t forget the person I was back then but I guess it is supposed to be like this. Part of going and moving forward is to always be connected to where we came from.

 You feel like you’re a child again, you have to learn a new language, culture, you meet people, get to know places and somehow you learn more about yourself. When you are left alone all by yourself with your thoughts , that makes you realize what you left behind, who you truly are and can be and so many other things. Hopefully, all kind of changes and small simple things come for good.

 I was reading a text a few days ago and I found it very interesting:

  “So you look at your life, and the two countries that hold it, and realize that you are now two distinct people. As much as your countries represent and fulfill different parts of you and what you enjoy about life, as much as you have formed unbreakable bonds with people you love in both places, as much as you feel truly at home in either one, so you are divided in two. “ 

 “When you live abroad, you realize that, no matter where you are, you will always be an ex-pat. There will always be a part of you that is far away from its home and is lying dormant until it can breathe and live in full color back in the country where it belongs.”